Mastering Struggle

Why is it that people say they want to grow, but as soon as things get difficult, they want to quit? I spend many coaching hours talking people out of throwing in the towel. If you want results, you’ve got to learn to love the growing pains. “Meet struggle and master it, says nature, and […]

Developing Great Habits, Mindset

6 Ways to Be & Stay Positive

You reap what you sow. In other words, your future is shaped by your present actions. You can’t plant corn and expect to harvest cucumbers! Our thoughts and our actions create positivity.  If you’ve been feeling doubtful, uncertain, cynical, unhappy, or skeptical, try some of my tips to get and stay more positive.  Be optimistic. […]

Healthy Mind and Body, Mindset

4 Steps to ZIP Past Your Fears

What is holding us back? FEAR We live our lives in fear. Almost everyone is controlled by fear every day, without even realizing it. Fear of failure. Fear of rejection. Fear of judgment. Fear of being inadequate. Fear of injury. A little healthy fear is a good thing. It keeps us from doing dumb things […]

Goal Setting, Mindset

Clean Up Your Self-Talk

What does a typical conversation with yourself sound like?“I’m such an idiot.”“I’m always screwing up.”“I’m so fat.”“I suck at .”“It’s the story of my life.”“Nothing ever goes my way.”“I’m not smart/talented/pretty/good enough.”“I’m too old.”“I have no motivation.”“I’ll never look like I used to.”“Who am I to think I could do _?”“I’ll be alone forever.”“No one […]

Healthy Mind and Body, Mindset

Trust Your Strength

If you’re reading this, you’ve survived everything that life has thrown your way.So far, so good.Now, when are you going to start believing in yourself? In the bible, God told Gideon, “go in the strength that you have.” That’s because God does not put us in situations we aren’t equipped for.But we don’t know this […]

Healthy Mind and Body, Mindset

Be Unstoppable

Is being headstrong a good quality?I say YES! Sometimes, when I was young, I’d have a fit if I was having a hard time with my homework, hitting the right note on my violin, or trying to get the shading just right on an art project.My Gram used to say,“Susie, you can do anything if […]

Developing Great Habits, Mindset

3 Ways to Start Valuing Your Time

The older I get, the more I lean.I lean towards pleasing myself over pleasing others.In other words, I’m learning to value my time.It’s not selfish.It’s smart. It’s healthy. And it’s necessary.These days we busy ourselves volunteering, serving, and saying yes way too much.When my kids were in school, my weekly volunteer hours amounted to a […]

Developing Great Habits, Mindset

Looking For Love

All of my life, I’ve never had a hard time making a friend, finding a job, or locating a parking space.That is my expectation.What you focus on, you find. For years, I’ve been in the habit of being mindful and noticing things.One thing I see no matter where I happen to be, is hearts.The hearts […]

Healthy Mind and Body, Mindset

The Secret to Tackling a Big Project? START

My big dream wasn’t to live in a mansion. I just wanted a new kitchen. About a year ago, I was at my girlfriend’s house, and she shared her plans to remodel the kitchen. They included taking down walls, custom cabinets, granite countertops, and new appliances.I was in the middle of “Marie Kondoing” my entire […]

Goal Setting, Mindset
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