What if ?

What if you stopped making excuses?What if you stopped following and started leading?What if you stopped taking offense to what other people say?What if you made your health a priority?What if you chased your dreams instead of watching everyone else live theirs?What if you started focusing on your strengths instead of hiding behind your weaknesses? […]

Goal Setting, Leadership

Your Competition is YOU

I’m in the transformation business, and you often see me posting before and after photos of health, beauty, and fitness transformations. While some people find them inspiring, others are deflated. Just as you wouldn’t compare a watermelon to a walnut, a cat to a canary, or a burrito to a fudge brownie, you should not […]

Goal Setting, Healthy Mind and Body

4 Steps to ZIP Past Your Fears

What is holding us back? FEAR We live our lives in fear. Almost everyone is controlled by fear every day, without even realizing it. Fear of failure. Fear of rejection. Fear of judgment. Fear of being inadequate. Fear of injury. A little healthy fear is a good thing. It keeps us from doing dumb things […]

Goal Setting, Mindset

2022, in a Word

I’ve chosen my word for 2022.Expand.2022 is a big year for me.I’ll be 60!I’ve put a lot of thought into choosing my word for this year, and here’s how I finally landed on “expand.”When I wake every morning, with my eyes still closed, I spend a few minutes in reflection before starting the day.During this […]

Goal Setting, Personal Development

The Secret to Tackling a Big Project? START

My big dream wasn’t to live in a mansion. I just wanted a new kitchen. About a year ago, I was at my girlfriend’s house, and she shared her plans to remodel the kitchen. They included taking down walls, custom cabinets, granite countertops, and new appliances.I was in the middle of “Marie Kondoing” my entire […]

Goal Setting, Mindset

Find Your 5

This week I did a workshop on ten ways to believe in yourself.The positive feedback was overwhelming on one particular point.Find Your 5. Who are the five people you spend most of your time with? If you stop and think about it, you may be surrounding yourself with people who “love” you but aren’t helping […]

Goal Setting, Personal Development

Winners Never Quit

You know the saying, winners never quit, and quitters never win.Sounds easy enough, but staying in the game is more complicated than it seems.For example, elite athletes can run a marathon in just over 2 hours. 26.2 miles is quite a distance to cover in that amount of time. But do you know what else […]

Goal Setting, Mindset

Glory Days

For years I over-salted my food. As I sprinkled away, tongue in cheek, I’d loudly announce, “I am a runner.”My justification was that runners sweat massively, losing tons of sodium, so we needed extra salt.Even though I haven’t run much at all in nearly three years, I still use that line.The truth is, I love […]

Goal Setting, Personal Development
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