Author | Speaker | Mindset Coach

When Life Hands You Lemons

How to Persist Persevere and Make Lemonade

Growth Strategies for a more ZESTful Life


Let It Go!

You cannot truly live in the moment if you dwell in the past.

Make peace and let it go.


Embrace Change

I call it “the New Normal”.
In the game of life, sometimes you’ve just gotta play the hand you’re dealt. A new kind of happiness awaits if you embrace change.


Make It Happen

t’s entirely up to you. All of it. It does not matter where you start, just start! Get to work and make things happen.


Own Your Life

Take responsibility for all your decisions. Do not blame anyone or anything for what doesn’t go your way. It’s your life. Own it.


Avoid Excuses

Excuses hold you back. They keep you from challenging yourself and reaching your full potential. At all costs, avoid excuses.


Establish Goals

If you don’t have a destination in mind, how will you know when you get there? Stop. Wasting. Time. Establish goals!


Treat Others With Compassion

We are quick to rush to judgement. When you become more sympathetic and understanding you will feel less frustrated and more free.


Nurture Yourself

It is your responsibility to have fun, play, get a hobby! If you don’t practice self-care, you run the risk of becoming a burden to those you love.

susan on blanket with lemon sneaks

Get your FREE GUIDE: 12 Tips for Making Lemonade

The Lemonade Blog

How to Make Lemonade

6 Ways to Be & Stay Positive

You reap what you sow. In other words, your future is shaped by your present actions. You can’t plant corn and expect to harvest cucumbers! Our thoughts and our actions create positivity.  If you’ve been feeling doubtful, uncertain, cynical, unhappy, or skeptical, try some of my tips to get and stay more positive.  Be optimistic. […]

Healthy Mind and Body, Mindset

Living Presently

Why does life feel like it’s rushing by?  Why does time seem to pass so quickly? We live in a constant state of distraction. We are multitasking, rushing and running from one thing to another, oblivious to much of what’s happening around us. I remember the year my friend chose “Notice” to be her word. […]

Healthy Mind and Body, Personal Development

4 Steps to ZIP Past Your Fears

What is holding us back? FEAR We live our lives in fear. Almost everyone is controlled by fear every day, without even realizing it. Fear of failure. Fear of rejection. Fear of judgment. Fear of being inadequate. Fear of injury. A little healthy fear is a good thing. It keeps us from doing dumb things […]

Goal Setting, Mindset
Why I do what I do

I’m humbled…

Join the Lemonade Tribe and Find the ZEST in your Life!


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