About Susan Wheeler
Mom of 4?7 grands❤️ultra runner ?‍♀️natural health strategist?writer ?organic farm owner?

3 Ways to Start Valuing Your Time

The older I get, the more I lean.I lean towards pleasing myself over pleasing others.In other words, I’m learning to value my time.It’s not selfish.It’s smart. It’s healthy. And it’s necessary.These days we busy ourselves volunteering, serving, and saying yes way too much.When my kids were in school, my weekly volunteer hours amounted to a […]

Developing Great Habits, Mindset

Looking For Love

All of my life, I’ve never had a hard time making a friend, finding a job, or locating a parking space.That is my expectation.What you focus on, you find. For years, I’ve been in the habit of being mindful and noticing things.One thing I see no matter where I happen to be, is hearts.The hearts […]

Healthy Mind and Body, Mindset

The Secret to Tackling a Big Project? START

My big dream wasn’t to live in a mansion. I just wanted a new kitchen. About a year ago, I was at my girlfriend’s house, and she shared her plans to remodel the kitchen. They included taking down walls, custom cabinets, granite countertops, and new appliances.I was in the middle of “Marie Kondoing” my entire […]

Goal Setting, Mindset

Meditation on the Trail

For years I’ve been drawn to the idea of meditation, but I’ve never felt the urge to sit still and purposefully meditate. I mean, isn’t that what you’re supposed to do?  Sit while focusing and training your mind towards a mentally and emotionally clear and calm state? We all have our unique styles, and it […]

Healthy Mind and Body, Hiking

Find Your 5

This week I did a workshop on ten ways to believe in yourself.The positive feedback was overwhelming on one particular point.Find Your 5. Who are the five people you spend most of your time with? If you stop and think about it, you may be surrounding yourself with people who “love” you but aren’t helping […]

Goal Setting, Personal Development

Winners Never Quit

You know the saying, winners never quit, and quitters never win.Sounds easy enough, but staying in the game is more complicated than it seems.For example, elite athletes can run a marathon in just over 2 hours. 26.2 miles is quite a distance to cover in that amount of time. But do you know what else […]

Goal Setting, Mindset

It’s Time to Dump Envy

Envy. If you aren’t on one side of it, you are probably on the other. Let me explain. We have all felt envious of someone or something at some point. An incurable case of the “I wishes.” I wish I had their house, or car, or family, or job, or their freedom lifestyle, etc. If […]

Personal Development
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