About Susan Wheeler
Mom of 4?7 grands❤️ultra runner ?‍♀️natural health strategist?writer ?organic farm owner?

Clean Up Your Self-Talk

What does a typical conversation with yourself sound like?“I’m such an idiot.”“I’m always screwing up.”“I’m so fat.”“I suck at .”“It’s the story of my life.”“Nothing ever goes my way.”“I’m not smart/talented/pretty/good enough.”“I’m too old.”“I have no motivation.”“I’ll never look like I used to.”“Who am I to think I could do _?”“I’ll be alone forever.”“No one […]

Healthy Mind and Body, Mindset

2022, in a Word

I’ve chosen my word for 2022.Expand.2022 is a big year for me.I’ll be 60!I’ve put a lot of thought into choosing my word for this year, and here’s how I finally landed on “expand.”When I wake every morning, with my eyes still closed, I spend a few minutes in reflection before starting the day.During this […]

Goal Setting, Personal Development

Be The Joy

Is cultivating joy difficult?When feelings of frustration, sadness, hurt, anger and disappointment plague us, we wonder, is it really worth looking for the silver lining?Being joyful?Yes, it is.Stay the course. Remember when the Grinch stole Christmas and the next morning all The Who’s in Whoville gathered in the village, and holding hands, they sang. All […]

Healthy Mind and Body, Personal Development

Trust Your Strength

If you’re reading this, you’ve survived everything that life has thrown your way.So far, so good.Now, when are you going to start believing in yourself? In the bible, God told Gideon, “go in the strength that you have.” That’s because God does not put us in situations we aren’t equipped for.But we don’t know this […]

Healthy Mind and Body, Mindset

Kindness Is Free

Kindness doesn’t take much effort.It’s the act of being friendly. Generous. Considerate.And giving kindness is free. Imagine being friendly, generous, or considerate to a stranger or a friend, or anyone at all, for that matter.Would the world be a happier, more pleasant place?I think so. December is the month associated with giving.Typically we think of […]

Developing Great Habits, Relationship Building

Be Unstoppable

Is being headstrong a good quality?I say YES! Sometimes, when I was young, I’d have a fit if I was having a hard time with my homework, hitting the right note on my violin, or trying to get the shading just right on an art project.My Gram used to say,“Susie, you can do anything if […]

Developing Great Habits, Mindset
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