It’s Time to Dump Envy

Envy. If you aren’t on one side of it, you are probably on the other. Let me explain. We have all felt envious of someone or something at some point. An incurable case of the “I wishes.” I wish I had their house, or car, or family, or job, or their freedom lifestyle, etc. If […]

Personal Development

Glory Days

For years I over-salted my food. As I sprinkled away, tongue in cheek, I’d loudly announce, “I am a runner.”My justification was that runners sweat massively, losing tons of sodium, so we needed extra salt.Even though I haven’t run much at all in nearly three years, I still use that line.The truth is, I love […]

Goal Setting, Personal Development

Gold Medal Mindset

Appalachian Trail thru-hiking should be an Olympic sport, and everyone who completes it should receive a gold medal.Every single thru-hiker. Without exception.These icons should be honored with parades and parties and eventually be the most coveted candidates for the world’s most lucrative jobs. Even a one-day hike on the AT is grueling. Some sections are […]

Goal Setting, Hiking

3 Things to Do When The Odds Are Against You

If it feels like the odds are against you, you might be right. It’s rare for something of value to land in your lap. To accomplish great things, you’re always going to have hurdles. Do not let them discourage you!  Instead, be thankful because, in the end, those hurdles will make us smarter and stronger. […]

Goal Setting, Mindset

Take The Stairs

Yesterday was one brutal hike for me.  The humidity was high, and if my glutes didn’t feel like rubber bands from climbing, my knees and quads were burning from the descent. In six hours, we covered over 12 miles. My feet hurt, I was hot, and lord, was I beat. We arrived at the parking […]

Hiking, Mindset
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